Just a Small Town Ninja

Just a Small Town Ninja is book II and the continuation of I, Dana, Killed a Rattlesnake.
The second book picks up right where this one ends and chronicles Dana's teenage years in Idaho, Minnesota and the badlands of North Dakota and is full of unusual and awkward situations as well as numerous 80's pop culture references.
Will I ever kiss a girl? Will Bigfoot ever crush me with a boulder? Does my life ever get normal or does it become even more crazy?
Chapters include:
I Shot Erik
The Silly Sloppy Look
Sauna House
The Angry Pinata
I Want My MTV
Just a Small Town Ninja
The Scary Clown
Throw Me Your Gun!
Break Dancin’ Dana Hansen
Delicious Shampoo
Famous Corn Dogs
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Orders received by Sunday morning will be shipped on Monday's and you'll have them no later than Wednesday/Thursday of that week.
Visit the website for more details: www.justasmalltownninja.com or simply click here: Ninja